The Hong Kong Oratorio Society – 65 Glorious Years
Publisher: Cosmos Books Ltd.
Author: Hong Kong Oratorio Society | Chief Editor: Dr. Oliver Chou
01 December 2023
The Hong Kong Oratorio Society (HKOS) is a non-profit-making organization founded in 1956 by Mr. Theodore Huang and a group of music enthusiasts who believed that singing beautiful music would bring joy to singers and listeners alike. It further helps to enhance our personal quality and provide citizens with rich spiritual and cultural life.
From a humble start with a handful of music enthusiasts to over a hundred members of different nationalities, the HKOS – guided by generations of great musicians – has become the most active choir with the longest history and the largest membership in Hong Kong. It usually presents 3-5 concerts per year with a total of more than three hundred concerts performed since inception. Its repertoire covers oratorios and major choral works by classical and contemporary composers. They include the masterpieces of Bach, Handel, Haydn, Mozart, Mendelssohn and Chinese composers Xian Xinghai and Huang Zi. Many of these works were debuted in Hong Kong.
Hong Kong Oratorio Society 香港聖樂團
Concerts Timeline

26 Nov 1980
Alleluja (Bach/Handel/ Thompson), Mass in G (Vaughan Williams), Dixit Dominus (Handel)

13 Jun 1982
Gloria (Vivaldi), Messa di Gloria (Puccini) - City Hall 20th Anniversary Concert

4 Jun 1984
The King Shall Rejoice(Handel), Jesu, My Great Pleasure (Bach), Lord Nelson Mass (Haydn)

30-31 Dec 1985
Shanghai Music Hall, Shanghai, China Mass in C (Beethoven), Messiah - Part 1 (Handel)

20 Mar 1988
Motets (Bruckner), Gloria (Puccini), Messiah choruses (Handel) - Korea Pre-Tour Concert

1 Jul 1995
Concert to Mark the 50th Anniversary of the End of World War II - Verdi Requiem

2, 7 Jul 1997
[Melodies of a New Era] by HK Association of Choral Societies joint choir concerts

19 Oct 1997
An Evening with Schubert (Commemorating 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Schubert)

29 Dec 1998
Symphony No 9 (Beethoven) Beijing Concert with Allegro Singers and Mainland Chinese choruses

22 Oct 1999
The Soul of China - Song of Everlasting Lament (Huang Zi) and Lin Sheng Shih choral works 中華魂- 長恨歌及林聲翕聲槳作品演唱會

20 July 2001
Summary Harmony (Hong Kong): Grand Mass in C Minor (Mozart) & Selected Choral Works by Various Composers

13 Aug 2001
Summary Harmony (Taiwan): Grand Mass in C Minor (Mozart) & Selected Choral Works by Various Composers

16 Dec 2001
Christmas Concert 2001: Mendelssohn's Psalm 95, Vaughan Williams's Fantasia on Christmas Carols

15-16 July 2006
Beijing Tour Concert: Fauré- Requiem (presented by Beijing Central Ballet Symphony Orchestra)

18 Sep 2006
Golden Jubilee Concert Series: Amadeus, Father & Son, 3 Generations of MOZARTS

14 & 16 Dec 2006
Golden Jubilee Concert Series: Bach’s Magnificat & Spanish Delights - Shenzhen & Hong Kong Conerts

11 Jul 2007
Allegro Singers 43rd Anniversary Concert : CHAN Wing-wah –This Boundless Land (presented by Allegro Singers)a

19 Jul 2009
Handel’s Messiah – HKOS Fund Raising Concert for Tianhe Church, Guangzhou, China

19 Oct 2013
A concert to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the death of Dr. Heyward Wong

25 May 2014
VOS and HKOS Jointly Present Canada Concert - Vancouver: Our Everlasting Father

31 May 2014
VOS and HKOS Jointly Present Canada Concert - Galgary : Our Everlasting Father

10 Sep 2016
HKOS 60th Anniversary Diamond Jubilee Concert: Hong Kong Concert – The Voices of Heaven

15 December 2019
'Cheers!' Series: Christmas Concert: Handel's Messiah 「冬日開懷集」系列: 聖誕音樂會:韓德爾《彌賽亞》

16 - 18 November 2020
Celebrating the 250th anniversary of Beethoven: Aerial Symphony Concert 《天空交響曲》紀念貝多芬誕辰二百五十周年演奏會

24 September 2022
Te Deum In Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the HKSAR慶祝香港特別行政區成立二十五周年︰謝恩讚美頌